
International Women’s

We can all choose to challenge beliefs, thoughts, or inaction, in the world and in ourselves too. Would it be true that each person needs to be solid in themselves to thrive, stand up for what they want, or grow a business? Would life be easier if we could stand up for ourselves as well as the causes we believe in?

I love this line, “We are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day every day” from the IWD 2021 campaign theme: #ChooseToChallenge
Since starting this business I have challenged myself to grow better at what I do, overcome criticism from people scoffing at hypnosis, changed my thoughts, learnt to react to real time deadlines (vs. procrastination), survive lockdown mandates and move to online sessions. Quickly figuring out “how to Zoom” & use technology to adapt on the fly to keep business open while the doors were shut.

Originally, I looked into hypnosis to relax and then realized its potential in changework. So I took more courses while maintaining another job and balancing my home life (you all have similar stories) but I did choose to take the actions – all day every day – sure I could have looked at it negatively, using my lunch breaks to read and study, but the challenge was so worth it. Once we win a challenge it’s easier to accept the next hurdle because we have the emotional belief that we can do it. Remember emotion drives actions, not wishing. Wishing to lose weight is very different from actual actions to take off weight.
The real pay off for that investment is seeing people move past their own blocks, stop feeling rejected, end stinking thinking, and letting fear make mountains out of molehills.

To be able to reach our potential and have passion for the causes we love, do you agree that you need to be your best self also? Even amazing people have more to reach for! Are you ready to take potential to the next level? It’s true life gives us lemons. Adapting & making the lemonade is where it’s at! If you are stuck with a sour face #ChooseToChallenge. Congratulations to all women, & all the men or children who love women, who are ready to face their challenges!

Bruce Grey Hypnosis challenges you – to choose you first – confidently. Start with the inner journey and then take the world by storm. Unleash who you are supposed to be. Realize potential. Celebrate IWD by celebrating you.

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