Call or Text - 519 955 4998
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Our Services
Is being overweight restricting your life? Weight loss programs are natural, customized, and have lasting change. No scales, no complicated rules. Just effective weight loss.
Are you trading your health for your habit? Disgusted with how you smell? Feeling controlled by cigarettes & more? Our Hypnosis Stop Smoking program is effective, easy and natural.
Fear is one of the biggest obstacles that people face when it comes to achieving their goals. It can keep you from doing what you want in life and it can hinder your growth.
Bad habits at first glance look incredibly difficult to break, and often seem impossible to overcome. It’s common to feel like you’re at the mercy of your bad habits.
Hypnosis can help you change your mood or state of mind and give you the tools you need to be more confident in yourself. Let go of resentment and old emotions, grab a new way to do things.
Questions about Hypnosis
You have come to the right spot
Hypnosis for weight loss, quitting smoking, stress management, and more.
Have you ever been driving home, totally engrossed in your thoughts and you don’t remember some of your drive? You pull in the driveway and think “What have I been doing the last 6 blocks?” Daydreaming the route falls away. Entranced with To-Do Lists, problems, worry, or what’s for supper? Congratulations you have experienced a trance state.
What took your attention? Dreaming about meals? Salivating over food or drink? Debating over healthy supper or emotional eating? Knowing what is good for you then giving into comfort foods? Would it be possible to crave a new connection with food? Seeing a thinner version of you at the end of the tunnel? Using Hypnosis Weight Loss, clients are able to leave unwanted pounds behind.
Smoking the whole drive home then you had to try and hide the smell of cigarettes? Hiding your embarrassing habit? Unaware of lurking health risks? Passing time or blowing off steam with your vehicle of choice vaping, smoking, or distracting from life? Feel like you are driven by nicotine? What if you could belong to the group of non-smokers and feel safe, to learn how to handle your life with it’s bad habits and stress in a new way? Your mind has learned to associate and trigger two activities together. Quit Smoking Hypnosis separates the old learned behavior and parks it for good.
Hypnosis has been used by The British for childbirth since the 1950s, including the Royal Family.
The Nature of Hypnosis is a published report commissioned by the British Psychological Society in 2001, which circulated that hypnosis is used as a proven therapeutic medium. This report stated “hypnotic procedures may be beneficial in the management or treatment of a wide range of problems and conditions.
Used effectively instead of anesthetic in war times hypnosis allowed surgery and shrapnel to be dug out of soldiers. In 1958 hypnosis sessions were recommended by the American Medical Association applicable to medicine and dentistry.
Worried about the future? Off in another space instead of focused on the road ahead? Unable to be present and in the moment? Assuming the worst? Crippling noise in your head? Unable to get out from under the weight of problems? Get out of that ditch and remind yourself what’s possible. Hypnosis helps you find the exit sign from hair raising antics on to scenic drives. Imagine what it would feel like in your body using learned methods and resources to shift out of high gear and remind yourself where the calm easy street is?

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotist is the guide or instructor that helps you enter that suggestive calm state. The subconscious mind looks after digestion, your heart beating, cells dividing for renewal, day-to-day stuff that you consciously don’t have to even think about. There is the storage part of your mind, storing all our memories, beliefs about what’s right or wrong, and influencing your responses. Would you like to learn how to effectively manage or dump the very things standing in your way? In that part of our mind, “I wonder what I could create tomorrow?” could be heard as it is always looking forward, creating possibility, and not listening to negativity.
Your mind is able to weave magical roads together with suggestive thoughts. Mapping out the road ahead; your future; what you want from life, your mind has the map to success and then knows the path to that goal from A to B. Leaving station A a smoker then arriving at station B a Non-Smoker. Flying over difficulty or stressful situations and soaring confidently to new heights. Diving into losing weight with focus then emerging sleek and happy in your new skin.
Deactivating the different parts of the mind will shift you from fight-or-flight mode to gear down and enter Serenity Town. Delivering a new option for managing stress, achieving weight loss, stop smoking and other old habits. It’s that part of the brain that can let you unlearn something.
Just like when we are learning to spell in public school. It only takes 3 tries for the brain to learn that the misspelled word is right in our mind. It learned it that way and so it has a belief the incorrect version is what we think is correct. Change the way you have learned to misuse food and lose weight now, un-do stress and nervousness could stop today or quit smoking forever.
Be able to reinforce positive new behaviors, hypnosis’ magical state can be used “to get in the zone” to enhance sports performance, create new focused study habits for better grades, visualize the path to more money and a better life, dream away into a deep sleep or expand confidence and motivation.
Hypnosis Works is an article explaining some of the science behind hypnosis for pain management. In this article, a hospital uses hypnosis routinely. Imagine needing surgery but because you have eaten you can’t have surgery & your fever is getting worse! The informative article talks about how hypnosis helped naturally sedate the person so the procedure could be completed. Surely you could learn some self-hypnosis for pain management.
Hypnosis can replace sedation, numb pain, let patients recover quicker, have less apprehension for procedures, need less medication, and be hospitalized for shorter stays. What could life look like if feeling free of pain was an option?
If you ever drove into your laneway and doubted how you got there you may have experienced that autopilot trance-like state akin to hypnosis. Hypnosis uses fixation. repetition, and relaxation and is done in a theta state, which everyone passes through during the sleep process. Yes, clients experience a range of hypnosis in their sessions at the clinic in Saugeen Shores. Pioneer of hypnosis Milton Erickson persuaded the hypnotist to modify their metaphor, style, or approach to ensure that everybody can be hypnotized. At the initial screening session, all potential clients are assessed with a short hypnotic test.
Bruce Grey Hypnosis helps clients with Weight Loss, Stop Smoking, Stress Control, handle fears or phobias, improve concentration, empowerment, nervousness, social shyness, academics, and more. Just ask if hypnosis can be used for your situation.
Hypnosis slows the body and the mind down to a relaxed state. Many clients reach such a relaxed state where deductive reasoning is left behind and a more vivid or creative part of the brain is accessed. Positive suggestion, repetition, and relaxation are the keys to reaching for what you want. Young children function from theta brainwaves and this permits new learning. Theta waves authorize creative thought and increased motivation.
Let’s take the childhood book Goldilocks reference here. Hypnosis helps you come up with whatever version of ”Just right” for your future. Your future building exercise will allow you to create what you want, your ideal version of you. Something not suiting life, too hot or too cold, something too harsh or too soft? In hypnosis, a safe environment, the client builds what they want. Trying this new version on beforehand takes the fear out of change. No longer worrying about what The 3 Bears think. The weight-loss client seeing what they look like with the weight gone, hearing compliments, and feeling empowered. Other clients can see freedom from old habits, smoke, fears, or phobias. Now that the client has created this imagery they know what to work towards….similar to a vision board, but in 3D and with feelings. Using all of the senses along with the mind making it so real and doable the power comes from within.
No, you can’t be made to do anything. Creating a safe place where the client chooses to take action. The work shifts the way you feel about a topic, making things possible again. While in a hypnotic state you ultimately have the ability to act on suggestions, visualizing potential, getting rid of exhausting debate, and going for it! With the assistance of the hypnotist, you enter a state where you control your new thoughts, create potential, see shifts, hear a new beat, feel lighter, smell the roses, and taste enjoyment again.
Please note that each person is in a unique situation and I can only offer a program to you after an assessment and cost is driven by you the client, your needs, your goals, your fast results, your desire, your timing, your success.
If you were to choose a product somewhere that was the longest in length because you had the idea that you would need all this help and all this time to get to your desired outcome….that’s just setting the stage for the process to take that long! It would be unethical for me to sell you a product that was more than you needed just to sell you something. Book a complimentary screening now 519 955 4998 to find out how hypnosis can assist your needs.
The main reason I wish to meet with you is to do a quick hypnotic test to determine if you are able to be hypnotized. Then together we will discuss the options you have. Most clients make their decision at that appointment. Dare to imagine your new life, a new wardrobe, new health, new smoke-free lungs, new happiness, new freedom, new confidence, new performance, let that imagination run wild. Hypnosis will soften old beliefs and tackle negative thinking. It works. Full support from start to finish through your hypnosis program.
No, you can’t get trapped in nightly dreams either. Hypnosis is done in a dreamy theta state, a state we pass through each time we go to sleep and wake, where the client creates what is possible. While in your session or listening to your home audios you will be able to respond to an emergency if needed. Proposing change and realizing goals move you forward.
While the body relaxes, the mind becomes extra effective at taking in new tips. New ideas for losing weight, stopping smoking, and creating confidence to handle stress are then accepted. Voila!
Just like when a boat sets down its anchor to stay in a calm place or enjoy nice scenery. I teach useful ways for clients to quickly anchor themselves in calm places and enjoy nice feelings and take advantage of resourceful moments. No longer succumbing and letting life happen to them.
What you need to know about Hypnosis
- Hypnosis, the state of relaxation within the entire body, and also a state of heightened awareness within your mind.
- Client’s are fully aware during the session, even participating, many people feel still and motionless, or lighter, while others may notice colours.
- Any level of hypnosis will make you susceptible to self-improvement or behavior change suggestions.
- Hypnosis is used for improving mindset, as stated by neuroscientists.
- Remember this about hypnosis for losing weight, stopping smoking, or controlling stress responses. It’s not like giving control over to anyone. In fact quite opposite, hypnosis assists the control within your mind.
- John Kihlstrom Psychologist -” the hypnotist does not hypnotize an individual; serving as a coach or guide the job is the assist the person become hypnotized”
- No pocket watches swinging in this new version of hypnotherapy. You are focused yet comfortable. Listening for positive benefits, able to learn new ways to handle life, control stress, release habits, avoid overindulging, and gain confidence.
- Doctor Spiegel describes – “You may daydream while stopped at a traffic light or got lost in thought and didn’t even realize the light had changed to green. That’s hypnosis”
- Weight Loss with hypnosis is more than 30X’s more effective than struggling by yourself.
- Humans are creatures of habit and sometimes we can end up in bad habits. Learn through hypnosis how to break bad habits.
- Learn new ways to change our state of mind and get on track with your goals, outcomes, and dreams through hypnosis.
- You have more control over your actions then perhaps you think. Learn life-long tools to keep your mind in the right place to break old unwanted habits and keep your mind in the right place to create new habits that align with your outcome for a happy healthy life.
- In the beginning, weight control using hypnosis clients lost more pounds than any other method and over two years later continued to have healthy body composition.
- If getting the weight off and keeping it off is a struggle, it would be so worth it to give Bruce Grey Hypnosis a ring.
- Our everyday communication, music, advertising, movies, TV, or reading material constantly plant suggestions into our awareness and subconscious mind. Careful what you surround yourself with! Come learn how to edit what you don’t want from your life. Focus on what you do want!
- Assisting to quit smoking and more by suggesting healthier behavior, reminding the client to take action and feel good about going in a new direction.
- Often we get disconnected, for long periods of time we remain unaware, further from the life we crave. Sessions become the link to the mind-body connection. Creating a single-minded goal or direction. No longer at odds within yourself. End stinking thinking and learn to want to take a new direction.
- There is a part of you that stores every moment with emotion. As you live your life memories are filed. Image how many files are filling up your “storage”. Old outdated “stuff”. Let hypnosis help you to tidy up, relieve you of hurt, and lighten life’s load.
- Are you tired of shying away from opportunities in your life? Are you looking for tools to step into and “Own your Confidence”? Hypnosis can help.
- Changing the state your mind is in can help you change your actions and in turn change the way you are interacting in your world.
- Learn the magic of hypnosis and the tools you need to be more confident, grounded, and secure to get where you want to be in life, relationships, and work.
- Let go of the feeling like you are missing out and regain confidence and life you want through hypnosis by getting your mind in the right place.