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If you ever drove into your laneway and doubted how you got there you may have experienced that autopilot trance-like state akin to hypnosis. Hypnosis uses fixation. repetition, and relaxation and is done in a theta state, which everyone passes through during the sleep process. Yes, clients experience a range of hypnosis in their sessions at the clinic in Saugeen Shores. Pioneer of hypnosis Milton Erickson persuaded the hypnotist to modify their metaphor, style, or approach to ensure that everybody can be hypnotized. At the initial screening session, all potential clients are assessed with a short hypnotic test.

Hypnosis slows the body and the mind down to a relaxed state. Many clients reach such a relaxed state where deductive reasoning is left behind and a more vivid or creative part of the brain is accessed. Positive suggestion, repetition, and relaxation are the keys to reaching for what you want. Young children function from theta brainwaves and this permits new learning. Theta waves authorize creative thought and increased motivation.
Let’s take the childhood book Goldilocks reference here. Hypnosis helps you come up with whatever version of ”Just right” for your future. Your future building exercise will allow you to create what you want, your ideal version of you. Something not suiting life, too hot or too cold, something too harsh or too soft? In hypnosis, a safe environment, the client builds what they want. Trying this new version on beforehand takes the fear out of change. No longer worrying about what The 3 Bears think. The weight-loss client seeing what they look like with the weight gone, hearing compliments, and feeling empowered. Other clients can see freedom from old habits, smoke, fears, or phobias. Now that the client has created this imagery they know what to work towards….similar to a vision board, but in 3D and with feelings. Using all of the senses along with the mind making it so real and doable the power comes from within.

No, you can’t get trapped in nightly dreams either. Hypnosis is done in a dreamy theta state, a state we pass through each time we go to sleep and wake, where the client creates what is possible. While in your session or listening to your home audios you will be able to respond to an emergency if needed. Proposing change and realizing goals move you forward.

While the body relaxes, the mind becomes extra effective at taking in new tips. New ideas for losing weight, stopping smoking, and creating confidence to handle stress are then accepted. Voila!

NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, are techniques and tools taught to clients to shift out of unwanted memories, dull down the noise, and release nervousness. Allowing the person to create confidence, attain goals, reduce overreacting, and stay calm.
Just like when a boat sets down its anchor to stay in a calm place or enjoy nice scenery. I teach useful ways for clients to quickly anchor themselves in calm places and enjoy nice feelings and take advantage of resourceful moments. No longer succumbing and letting life happen to them.

Let’s take the childhood book Goldilocks reference here. Hypnosis helps you come up with whatever version of ”Just right” for your future. Your future building exercise will allow you to create what you want, your ideal version of you. Something not suiting life, too hot or too cold, something too harsh or too soft? In hypnosis, a safe environment, the client builds what they want. Trying this new version on beforehand takes the fear out of change. No longer worrying about what The 3 Bears think. The weight-loss client seeing what they look like with the weight gone, hearing compliments, and feeling empowered. Other clients can see freedom from old habits, smoke, fears, or phobias. Now that the client has created this imagery they know what to work towards….similar to a vision board, but in 3D and with feelings. Using all of the senses along with the mind making it so real and doable the power comes from within.

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Is being overweight restricting your life? Weight loss programs are natural, customized, and have lasting change. No scales, no complicated rules. Just effective weight loss.

Are you trading your health for your habit? Disgusted with how you smell? Feeling controlled by cigarettes & more? Our Hypnosis Stop Smoking program is effective, easy and natural.

Overwhelmed, nervous, or tired? Everyday life too much & you feel not in control? Spinning in fear or unable to make a decision? Hypnosis can bring relaxation back into your life.
Are you frustrated with horrible sleep patterns that deprive you of, well everything?  Let’s face it, lack of sleep can leave you in a brain fog, irritabile, lacking motivation?

Fear is one of the biggest obstacles that people face when it comes to achieving their goals. It can keep you from doing what you want in life and it can hinder your growth.

Bad habits at first glance look incredibly difficult to break, and often seem impossible to overcome. It’s common to feel like you’re at the mercy of your bad habits.

Hypnosis can help you change your mood or state of mind and give you the tools you need to be more confident in yourself. Let go of resentment and old emotions, grab a new way to do things.

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